The Talented Letter C

by Daniel Errico

Illustrated by Michiko Cayce

The Talented Letter C Cover. The Letter C with the Letter H and Letter T around a beautiful cake.

The Talented Letter C is the best baker in the entire Land of Words. Because he's so talented, he never lets anyone help him bake. When it comes time to create and deliver a grand cake, The Letter C learns that talent isn't everything, and all letters need help sometimes. The Talented Letter C teaches humility and teamwork. 

The Letter C lived in the Land of Numbers.

He was the best baker that ever lived.

Everyone loved the cakes and pies he made.

Every morning there was a line out the door for his muffins.

His cookies were so good that they were used as money in some countries.

The Letter C smiling behind the counter at his bakery.

His pies were so delicious that some letters actually fainted when they tasted them.

One day he was asked to build the largest cake ever for a grand wedding.

The other bakers asked if they could help, but he wouldn’t let them.

“I have to do it all,” he said, “because I am the best.”

He worked all night and day on the cake.

He had a truck full of flour delivered to his shop.

He brought in bags and bags of sugar.

The Letter C unloading bags of sugar from the back of a truck.

There was so much icing that he had to use a broom to spread it.

The Letter C using a broom to put pink icing on a big cake.

On the day of the wedding, he loaded the cake onto a cart to bring to the ceremony.

The other bakers asked if they could help, but he wouldn’t let them.

“No, it’s my cake, and only I can deliver it,” he said.

When it was time to bring the cake out, he picked it up himself.

The other bakers asked if they could help, but he wouldn’t let them.

“I can’t trust anyone else to carry it,” he said.

The Letter C with the Letter H and Letter T, around a beautiful pink cake.

The cake was so large that he had trouble carrying it.

He started to shake and couldn’t hold it.

The cake fell and splattered into a big pile of mess.

The Letter C crying over a dropped pink cake.

Luckily, the other bakers had made cakes of their own, just in case.

They saved the day, and the Letter C was very grateful.

There was even enough leftover cake for the Letter C to try.

“Mmmm…This is pretty good,” he said.

The Letter T and Letter H bringing a smiling Letter C their own cakes.

In the Land of Words, even the best need help sometimes.